A look back on 2022 and forward to our 30th anniversary

This has been another challenging year, but as always we have been inspired and supported by the resilience and innovation of our members and partners.

This year we:

  • Elected a new Board

  • Launched a new platform for members to connect, share knowledge, and save time doing both

  • Expanded the depth and breadth of the expert briefings we offer to members

  • Released the second Brand America Barometer

  • Held sessions with three ministers

  • Addressed dozens of key Swedish and U.S. policymakers on member issues, including briefing the White House on the impact of business travel restrictions, and engaging with the Swedish government on data flow issues, the public procurement of cloud services, protecting copyright, facilitating access to vaccine passes for fully vaccinated travelers from the U.S., and more 

We continue to field inquiries from members and non-members alike seeking guidance in addressing critical business travel issues to and from Sweden and the U.S. from visa issues to vaccine passes and to share member concerns with our interlocutors in both the Swedish and U.S. governments. 

We are looking forward to celebrating our 30th anniversary in 2022 and welcoming Erik D. Ramanathan as the new U.S. Ambassador following the U.S. Senate’s confirmation of his appointment last weekend.

In strict compliance with guidance from the Public Health Agency of Sweden (Folkhälsomyndigheten), we plan to host more in-person programs in 2022. At the same time, taking advantage of the unique opportunities to engage high-level speakers, officials, and thought leaders, we will also continue to have online programs such as our January sessions with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the White House.

Keep an eye on the AmCham calendar for more to come.

Thank you for your support and best wishes for a joy-filled holiday season and a healthy and prosperous new year!



COVID-19 testing requirement for international travel to the United States


Erik D. Ramanathan confirmed as U.S. Ambassador to Sweden