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LGBT in business. What's your strategy?

  • United Spaces Malmö and Online (map)

Date:      February 1, 2023
Time:     11:30 - 13:00 CEST for in-person participants; 12:00-13:00 CEST for online participants
Venue:   In Person at United Spaces Malmö and Online

The LGBT market value in Scandinavia exceeds SEK 300 billion annually and $1 trillion in the United States. But how does this market work? And how can your business access it?

Above and beyond the income that can be generated, LGBT inclusion is also an important and valuable part of business strategy. This is apparent not only from sales, but also from the perspectives of talent acquisition, talent retention, productivity, and, increasingly, supply chain development. As a result, it is important for companies of all sizes, across all industries.

Aside from the business and commercial perspective, there are several legal aspects of importance in relation to companies' work with inclusion and diversity, particularly within the field of employment law. There are important rules to be aware of, comply with, and take into account in daily business. 


Tobias Holfelt

Chair and Founder,

Scandinavian LGBT Chamber of Commerce

Tobias Holfelt is the Chair and Founder of the Scandinavian LGBT Chamber of Commerce, a dialogue platform for the private sector on LGBT inclusion as part of business strategy. SGLCC also acts as the voice of the LGBT business community, and serves as a certifying body for Supplier Diversity. Tobias is also CEO of OutPerform Global LGBT Invest, an international LGBT Investment and advocacy organization.

Tobias has worked with LGBT issues for 20 years and also founded MB Market Makers with the core competence of transnational PR and communication, destination marketing, and valuation of LGBT from a business perspective. Having studied LGBT market value across the world over many years, the core business is international LGBT communication and workplace inclusion implementation and training for the private sector, connecting corporations and communities in Asia, Europe and North America.

Jenny Söberg,

Senior Associate / Advokat, Setterwalls

Since 2013, Jenny Söberg has been providing Swedish and foreign companies with labor law advice.

Jenny is responsible for the labor law team at Setterwalls in Malmö and assists employers in the entire field of labor law. Her daily work includes, for example, restructuring, redundancies (including questions about protection of the employer’s business, competition clauses and confidentiality), collective bargaining issues, transfer of undertakings, discrimination and work environment cases, and labor law litigation.

Jenny regularly works on establishing, reviewing and negotiating various types of labor law agreements such as employment contracts and representing companies in negotiations under the Swedish Co-Determination Act. She also works with compliance issues such as codes of conduct and guidelines for employees.

Maria Bergström,

Associate, Setterwalls

Maria Bergström is specialized in employment law and assists Swedish and foreign companies in all types of employment law issues.

In her daily work, Maria assists employers with legal advice regarding, for example, employment agreements, reorganizations, work environment, rehabilitation issues and discrimination cases. She assists employers in trade union negotiations and also lectures in employment law.

Maria is also part of Setterwalls’ Compliance & Investigation team, where she primarily works with issues related to whistleblowing.

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