We hope you’ll join us for this signature event on advancing commercial relations between the U.S. and Europe.
The theme of this year’s event, “Seizing the Moment: From Words to Action,” underscores the urgency of transatlantic cooperation in responding to some of our most vexing problems. The morning of programming will feature keynote addresses and panel discussions on the following topics:
Linking National Security and Economic Security
European Ambassadors' View of Transatlantic Cooperation
Responding to Energy Challenges
Investing in the Future of Sustainability
Leveraging the Trade and Technology Council for Success
We have confirmed the following speakers, and more will be confirmed in the upcoming days
Mark Rutte, Prime Minister, The Netherlands
Mircea Geoană, Deputy Secretary General, NATO
Jonathan Finer, U.S. Deputy National Security Adviser
H.E. Stavros Lambrinidis, Ambassador of the European Union to the U.S.
The summit will convene hundreds of senior corporate executives, government officials, press, think tanks, and other thought leaders for conversations on how to create durable prosperity. Full agenda details forthcoming. We hope you’ll join us.